sorrento - marina grande

At Villa Harmony Sorrento you can taste and order the best typical products of the Sorrento Peninsula



The Sorrento orange is characterized by a thick, fragrant skin and encloses a succulent flesh that is slightly acrid but rich in vitamins. Sorrento oranges are especially renowned for juicing to drink instantly, so you can fully enjoy all its intense, fresh taste and vitamins.
The owners of Villa Harmony Sorrento have a Citrus Orchard that our guests can visit and can order freshly picked oranges from the trees every day from Diana to prepare delicious juices and breakfasts for themselves.


The Sorrento lemon is known and appreciated all over the world.The owners of Villa Harmony Sorrento have a Citrus Orchard that our guests can visit and they can order lemons freshly picked from the trees every day from Diana to prepare fantastic juices for themselves .



If you want we will let you taste the famous Limoncello liqueur, typical of the Sorrento Peninsula .If you want you can buy a bottle of Limoncello prepared by Diana with lemons freshly picked from our Agrumeto.


The cheeses of the Sorrento Peninsula are fantastic and are one of the delicacies of our area. If you want you can ask for a taste or order them from Laura….

  • Provolone del Monaco: You can’t not taste this extraordinary local product . Provolone del Monaco is in the elite of world cheeses. In fact, it ranks 21st in the special ranking released by “Taste Atlas” on cheeses from around the world .
    The name “Provolone del Monaco” refers to the fact that the cheesemakers who disembarked at dawn in the port of Naples with their cargo of provolones from the various localities of the Sorrento Peninsula used to cover themselves with a sackcloth cloak, which was similar to the habit worn by monks, to protect themselves from the cold and damp. It is aged for at least six months, and the cream-colored paste with yellowish tones is elastic, compact, uniform and without flaking, soft and with typical eye formation. The flavor is unmistakable: sweet at times buttery with a light and pleasant spicy taste.
    “Provolone del Monaco PDO” is a semi-hard, aged pasta filata cheese produced in the Sorrento Peninsula-Monti Lattari area, exclusively from raw milk.
    Order a slice from Laura and you will taste the ..Paradise.
  • Sorrento’s Treccia Sorrentina: This is a Treccia-shaped Sorrento mozzarella: a cow’s milk cheese with the characteristic shape of two strips intertwined with each other, which is given to it manually.
  • Sorrento’s Bebe’ caciocavallo: In addition to the very old and renowned caciocavallo, on the Sorrento Peninsula here is produced, a cheese that looks very much like it: the “bebè di Sorrento” caciocavallo. The caciocavallo bebè takes its name from its shape, which ideally resembles an infant in swaddling clothes. It is a tasty typical Sorrento cheese made from cow’s milk with semi-cooked, spun dough. You can order both from Laura!


They are delicious. You will be happy to taste them:

  • Lemon Delight The unmistakable scent of Sorrento lemons and the delicate taste of limoncello cream are the stars of the Lemon Delight that will intoxicate your taste buds. These delicious lemon treats were first created in 1978 by Carmine Marzuillo, a pastry chef from the Amalfi Coast, and have become one of the most popular and appreciated desserts since the beginning. Fluffy sponge cake, a tangy, tart-tasting cream and clumps of cream make for a true lemon delight!
    We recommend you try them…You can ask Laura for them.
  • Limoncello Baba’s: Typical sweets from the Sorrento peninsula drowned in limoncello. You can taste them or order a whole jar.
  • Bocconotti amarena e limone: These are mouth-watering traditional local sweets.They have a very crumbly pastry that melts in your mouth and their filling varies, from custard, amarena and lemon cream. Try them and you won’t regret it!
  • Profittaroles del Re: There is a pastry shop on the Sorrento Peninsula that makes the finest chocolate profittaroles in the world. They are called del Re because this pastry shop is very close to the 18th-century home of the Bourbons. A dessert fit for a king! You can order them from Laura.
  • Pastries of Vico: We can also let you taste the fantastic pastries of Gran Caffe’ Zerilli in Vico Equense, appreciated by all the tourists who come to the Peninsula.
  • Sfogliatelle: Sfogliatella is a typical pastry dessert from Campania and comes in two main variations: it can be curly, if prepared with puff pastry, or shortcrust, if prepared with shortcrust pastry. You cannot come to Sorrento and not taste them.


A few kilometers from Sorrento ,in Gragnano,the best pasta in the world is produced.

If you want packages of original Gragnano pasta,you can ask Diana


If you want you can order Doc Penisola Sorrentina and Doc Gragnano wines,a true food and wine heritage of the Sorrento Peninsula